overview ======== cairotft is a python module used to draw interface on tft screen using the framebuffer interface. .. note:: It's not limited strictly to TftDiplays: stricly it's limited to framebuffer display (the module could have been called 'cairofb' or 'cairoframebuffer' cairotft has a strong dependency on cairocffi (https://pythonhosted.org/cairocffi/) and you can use the full cairocffi api in your developments (especially cairocffi.Context and cairocffi.Surface) for example, to draw a circle, you'll use fully and only cairocffi methods:: context.set_source_rgba(0, 0, 0, 1) context.arc(30, 30, 10, 0, 2 * math.pi) cairotft works on top of cairocffi and provides these things: * cairocffi to framebuffer interface bindings, mainly hidden for standard use (you only have to paint into your cairo Context) * double buffering * widget api and some widget included * animation framework (for now only very very basic animation bases) * an async event loop to control all events and display. More functionnaly will be added later, at this time, cairocffi is at very early stages of developments.