cairotft.widgets package

widgets. Submodules cairotft.widgets.base module

base widget class.

class cairotft.widgets.base.BaseAnimatedWidget(display_object, pos_x, pos_y, width, height, interval_time=None)[source]

Bases: cairotft.widgets.base.BaseWidget

Base class for all Animated widgets.

see BaseWidget for All BaseWidget variables

Variables:interval_time (float) – (float) interval between two frames (in seconds)

TODO: add transition support in BaseAnimatedWidget

Initialisation of the base animated widget.

  • display_object (cairotft.tfy.TftDisplay) – the Display class instanciation.
  • pos_x (int) – x coordinates to display the widget
  • pos_y (int) – y coordinates to display the widget
  • width (int) – the width of the widget
  • height (int) – the height of the widget
  • interval_time (float) –

    interval between two frames (in seconds) the widget will first:

    try to use the fps parameter to calculates a display interval or: use the given interval_time or: fix an interval time of 1second

draw the widget.

implement this method in your subclasses


show the icon.


Start showing the widget.


stop showing the widget.

class cairotft.widgets.base.BaseWidget(display_object, pos_x, pos_y, width, height)[source]

Bases: builtins.object

Base class for all widgets.

  • display_object – (cairotft.tft.TftDisplay) The display object the widget will display itself.
  • pos_x – (int) x coordinates to display the widget
  • pos_y – (int) y coordinates to display the widget
  • width – (int) the width of the widget
  • height – (int) the height of the widget

Initialisation of the base widget.

  • display_object (cairotft.tfy.TftDisplay) – the Display class instanciation.
  • pos_x (int) – x coordinates to display the widget
  • pos_y (int) – y coordinates to display the widget
  • width (int) – the width of the widget
  • height (int) – the height of the widget

draw the widget.

implement this method in your subclasses


show the icon.


Start showing the widget.


stop showing the widget. cairotft.widgets.marquee module

Text Marquee widget.

class cairotft.widgets.marquee.Marquee(display_object, text, font_face, font_size, text_color, pos_x, pos_y, width, height, background_color=(1, 1, 1, 1), step=1, interval_time=0.05, transition=<bound method type.ease_in of <class 'cairotft.transitions.LinearTransition'>>, smooth=False)[source]

Bases: builtins.object

A text marquee widget.

Initialisation of the Marquee.

  • display_object (cairotft.tft.TftDisplay) – the Display class instanciation.
  • text (str) – the text to display.
  • font_face (cairocffi.ToyFontFace) – the font face used for the text
  • text_color (tuple) – a tuple of 4 float representing the rgba value of the text color.
  • font_size (int) – the size of the font.
  • pos_x (int) – x coordinates of the text box (top left corner)
  • pos_y (int) – y coordinates of the text box (top left corner)
  • width (int) – the width of the text box
  • height (int) – the height of the text box
  • background_color (tuple) – a tuple of 4 float representing the rgba value of the background color to repaint the icon.
  • step (int) – number of unit we skip at each frame. (X chars if smooth is False, X pixels if smooth is True)
  • interval_time (float) – the time in s between two frames
TODO: instead of repainting with a color, save the background or paint
in order: from bottom to top.

based on the font size, calculate the width of the text.

And eventually shrink the name if too long.


draw the text in the smooth text buffer.

This is not display, only drawed in the smooth buffer.


Initialise the buffer used in smooth text.


Change the background color.

Parameters:background_color (tuple) – a tuple of 4 float representing the rgba value of the background color to repaint the icon.

Change the text color.

Parameters:color (tuple) – a tuple of 4 float representing the rgba value of the text color.

Return True is either text_color or background_color has changed.

(since last paint)

show(ctx, no_loop=False)[source]

Show the text.


Start showing the marquee.


stop showing the marquee.